+91 97907 81529


King David Karthikeyan


King David Karthikeyan

  • WeStand Eaton Square 489, London
  • (800) 123.456.7890
  • https://www.janebirkin.com/
  • jane@partyname.com

King David Karthikeyan is an anointed man of God ministry among the youth of India. He has dedicated his life to serving God and his people. Years of 2011, he saved by Jesus Christ and he surrender his way to heavenly father willing and business.

Permanent Secretary: 
Since 2016 onwards acting like permanent secretary of JGSM, India



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  • Master of Divinity
  • Master of Theology degree
  • Theological Studies
  • Intensive Scholarly Coursework
  • Experiential training in pastoral ministry